

Thank you for visiting Bullock Place! We are pleased to be able to provide fresh home-grown chemical free produce to our community and surrounding communities.

The Lord continues to bless our efforts with "Our Faith Garden" and we are always very thankful for answered prayers of timely rain, healthy plants and plentiful produce. At Bullock Place we enjoy growing a variety of home-grown chemical free vegtables to share!

Our garden sections have continued to expand from the previous seasons in preperation for the next years production. We have had some of you reach out for produce that we didn't grow or no longer had available and we have taken note of that.

Both Kambry & Karson will continue with their projects this season and increasing their yield of melons and pumpkins.

From all of us here at Bullock Place we appreciate all of the support from our community and so many neighboring communities.

We love the feedback we have received from so many of you about the quality of our produce. As a family we are working hard again this year to provide top quality, safe and nutritious food to share with each of you and we are enjoying every moment!

We would love to hear back from each of you and are excited to see you throughout the season. ~ God Bless ~



~ Local Home-Grown Chemical Free Produce ~

202 Washington St.
Westboro, MO 64498
Link To: Map Directions

Open Mon. - Sat. 7am - 8pm
Closed Sunday
